Sunday, May 18, 2008

New to this...????

So I only ot this becasue I use to have a xanga and I now longer use it. I also got one b/c my bestest friend Heather Coleman just one for her daughter Mackenzie who has Eplilepsy and I guess to keep everyone informed she got this. I am using it as a venting page for me. I dont really know where to begin.... I am 19 years old fatherless( two years as of may 15th) boyfriendless ( not that I can complain about that) and just really trying to find a place in this world. I make alot of mistakes and disappoint. But on the other hand I am an awesome friend, outgoing, funny, and a joy to be around. I am keeping my main focus on GOD and following Jesus Christ. I moved to Virginia in july 06 after I graduated and lost my dad to suicide. I am living with my Aunt and Uncle and my two cousins, I am not to sure how much longer I will be living there to honest with you. Because as crazy as my family is back in florida this one here is just if not more INSANE and makes me even more depressed to be alive. Lets just say I have alot of issuse and its SO GREAT that I am not envolved with anyone because I dont know how much of a gf I could be. But I do devote my life to my friends, family(even though they are not there for me)and CHURCH. I am currently taking classes at NOVA and I have changed my major like twice, and I am sticking with Child Education. I plan to someday be a middle school teacher. But we'll see if that changes in the next year or so ahahaha. Lets see where do I come from??? HMM...

I was raised all over.... in MD, Ft. lauderdale fl, and in St. cloud FL. I have and older sister who has given me TWO beautiful nephews who I wouldnt trade for the world. I also have a twin brother and a younger sister. THE big subject that is still so raw is the fact that my dad committed suicide. YEAH he took his life and didnt want to stick around to see what could be??? For that I am extremly sad, but to know that he gave his life to JESUS CHRIST before he died made me so much more happier. So now I know that he at rest and at peace with his maker. = ) He and I were best friends and I told him everything!!!!!!!!! So when I moved here from Florida it was to get away from everything... family.. memories... people.... friends... boyfriends.... ALL OF IT!!! At the time I didnt know if it was the right decision but looking back now I can tell GOD has his fingerprints over it the entire time. The people that I have met and got become the best of friends with, still amze me. The church that I have become invovled with is such a great place for me to be and to get away from certain people that were in my life and drug me down evern further. But yeah I am still new to this and I am sure there will be more to come... hopefully you got to see a little of my insane and crazy life??? thanks for taking the time out to read this?? ahahaha
